The wheel turns and we head into the slower days of misty mornings, darker evenings, the leaves shedding from the trees and a general slow down as we move towards the stillness of winter.
The sun moves into 0º Libra today. Happy birthday month Libra!
We still have a few planets in retrograde but these are beginning to loosen their grip on us now. Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Pluto are still appearing to move backwards reminding us to look at the last bits of our life that we have been asked to reassess over this period. Last ditch effort to put changes in place and make solid plans going forward whether in finances, health, friendships, work and routines.
The Moon is in solid earthy Capricorn today and I can feel the lovely connection to the earth as she wants us to understand her changes and live in harmony with her through these seasonal shifts.
Libra sun represents balance. Are we living in balance. Do we have the right amount of time dedicated to our dreams and our home or has it all been work and no play. This is a lovely time to connect with friends and family. Find balance in others and be objective. Open your eyes to the possibilities before you and be clear on your plans. This is a time to put routines in place - healthy ones - to make sure we stay on track and do not start deviating from our overall plan! The equinox is all ablaut balance too. It is the time when the suns ecliptic meets the equator creating a perfect balance of day and night. Sunrise and sunset are 12 hours apart.
Libra is a Cardinal sign - these are momentums. All solstice and equinoxes fall on the cardinal signs… they represent beginnings. Cardinal signs manifest energy and are highly sensitive points. At Summer Solstice the sun sits in sensitive Cancer, Autumn Equinox shifts us to balanced Libra, Winter solstice takes us into steadfast Capricorn and Spring Equinox launches us off again with feiry Aries. These are signs that initiate us into a new season and kick start us with a burst of energy.
So really look over the last few months and reflect on those changes that have been going on in your life. All those retrogrades will have made an impact in helping us transition the way we act, feel and think as well as do! Take time today to just be for a while. Reflect on those changes and understand the new person that is emerging from those lessons in all aspects of our life. Prepare to implement the changes and steer your life towards a healthier happier and more aligned way of being. You have retrospectively searched deep in your soul - now going forward it’s time to open your eyes to reality and be able to further yourself more than you ever dreamed.
with love
The OMC 🌙🦁
MOON GARDENING (f i r s t q u a r t e r)
Rake up the first of the leaves and pop into little piles in a corner for the hedgehogs to start making their winter bedding. It’s a great time to tidy the garden a bit (but not too much) and create lovely hiding spaces for the wildlife. Put away any old pots and bits that may be lying around. It’s also a perfect time to take hardwood cutting from your favourite roses that bloomed so beautifully for you this year. Let their legacy live on by creating new plants to bloom again and fill other spaces with their gentle joy.