And here it is - probably the biggest and most important full super blue moon of this year. Sitting in futuristic and humanitarian Aquarius at 27º 15’ ruled by changeable and erratic Uranus. Change is the theme and change has been an ongoing experience of the past few years. Opening up the realms of what is possible we see things coming to fruition that only recent past were figments of imagination. Uranus knows no bounds. We are asked to expand our minds and think beyond the impossible for nothing is impossible - it is just question of mindset.Â
This moon is powerful as the ruler Uranus in Taurus forms one of two T-Squares with the Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius (the focus being Uranus still in conjunction with the fixed star Algol - don’t get your head bitten off when you say the ‘wrong’ thing). The square suggests tension - a pull between the heart, the mind and the need for change. We can be creatures of habit and change for some can be unwelcome. However we must embrace it in order to progress. You may find this next few days that people and/or situations may be inflammatory - a note of caution to watch one’s own opinions and the need to impress them on others - and vice versa! Watch for confrontation and avoid it at all costs. Leo is heart based ‘me’ energy and Aquarius is intellect based ‘we’. It’s about finding your place in the bigger community without losing your true self. Aquarius is collective energy and shared purpose. Daring to be brave and think big and vision a new life for all - for everyone. For when one steps forward - others follow and then change is gradually implemented. Inspired intellectual thought is necessary where we step out of ego and into the heart space. 👇
With the full moon opposing the Mercury Retrograde in Leo (conjunct the Sun) we are invited to have a rethink. Have we been narrow minded in our thinking or have we not seen things quite as they are. Do we need to correct our course and find a balance that is in line with the progress of the community whole?
The other notable T-Square formation is between Saturn in Pisces opposite Venus in Virgo pointing towards Jupiter in Gemini closely conjunct Mars in Gemini. Jupiter is spouting a lot of hot air, Mars wants to argue, Venus is passionately defending her corner and Saturn is observing and taking notes! It’s a melting pot bubbling away ready to boil over. It’s good to fight your corner - however again be sure you are fighting for the right thing. Be careful this next few days in the way you express yourselves to others. This is truly volatile energy and prone to eruption at any time. I’m seeing that opinions can easily be misinterpreted so I’d probably hold the tongue - especially on social media which can stir the proverbial melting pot! I’m noting that Jupiter is conjuncting Rigel - the toe of Orion. This fixed star adds to Jupiters enthusiasm amplifying our aspirations and helping us to formulate bigger dreams for ourselves - best foot forward and all that!
Powerful change is of the essence. We are changing internally and externally in the way in which we live and converse as a whole. Our individual uniqueness adds spice of the puzzle to the universal whole and therefore we must come together in order to create a new vision that suits individually as well as for the whole.Â
This is probably the biggest astrologically powerful moon of the year! Full moons represent completions and endings. There are so many endings happening at the moment - but this has to happen in order to invite in change. Change is uncomfortable and will take us into places where we feel out of sorts and unwelcome even - however when we get out side our box that’s where the magic happens!
Happy Full Moon.
With much love
Note - this is called a blue moon not because it is blue! However this is a rare moon firstly as a supermoon and secondly as it is the third full moon of four in a season - a season being the space between a Solstice and an Equinox. We usually have three full moons in a season. However this time we encounter four from the Summer Solstice to the Autumn Equinox. We also classify a moon to be blue if it is the second full moon in one month (this moon though is not the case).Â
#fullmoon #fullmooninaquarius #fixedstars #PowerfulMoon #bluemoon #Saturn #uranus #Tsquare #volatile #volcano #mercuryretrograde #venuspassion #collectiveconsciousness