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Full moon in Capricorn - Braving a new world?

Sun at 29º Cancer opposite Moon at 29º Capricorn.

We started the month with a Full moon in Capricorn at 1º - we end it with another at 29º the end of the sign at the anaretic or critical degree - it’s crunch time - what have you realised? 

Capricorn is a serious planet ruled by incredibly serious Saturn. It had us looking at structures and thinking and to understand where we have built blocks and walls that have stopped us from being who we authentically are. It is a culmination - a finale! Endings of old structures and ways of being are replaced with new possibilities and visions. A final push to break away from old outdated ideas and start to move forward into new unknown territory (there is a whole world out there to conquer). Maybe our old beliefs have kept too much in a rigid way of thinking and have hindered our progress? 

The moon makes a beautiful sextile (window of opportunity) with dreamy Neptune also in its last degree (29º) in the watery sign of Pisces (dreams and the unknown). A sign of dreams and aspirations - a connection to the divine. Structure is breaking down and maybe that is what personally we need to do too. What do you need to let go of? By allowing ourselves be led by our inner compass - we find a way to enjoy each moment and the journey it takes to get there (I am guilty of this so much - always looking ten steps or years ahead and forgetting where I am at this moment in time). You see life is a journey and it’s not all about the end. There is so much wonder in the now. By living in the future we become anxious as to how we will achieve that, but by living in the now we take away the exhaustion of permanently striving towards goals and take the opportunity to explore our current circumstance. We just have to TRUST and BELIEVE that all is well and we are going on the right path. It takes patience and time. When we project too far forward we lose the ability to tap into our heart and instead become consumed by impatience, frustration and doubt. When we stop that we allow space for ideas to flow and opportunities to come. 

Another beautiful sextile is occurring between sensual creative Venus and jovial optimistic Jupiter. What brings you joy? For that is the where you need to move towards. That which makes your heart sing is what your soul desires. Give yourself time to create. Slow yourself down, lighten up and just be. 

Mars has now moved out of Taurus and into the communicative sign of Gemini at 0º which is trining the moon. Allow the space for ideas to flow - allow communication from a higher source. Mars will stimulate our creative ideas so tap into this fabulous energy and allow yourself to be inspired. The energy of Mars gives us determination and a sense of bravery to step into unknown waters and allow ourselves to experience the wonder of new input. You may have an aha moment or a resounding breakthrough. 

Pluto is still retrograding at 0º Aquarius and conjuncting the moon. Pluto wishes to remove the last bits of shadow - the last bits of doubt. Remember a full moon is a release - this is really about letting go. Outdated structures, ideas and limiting beliefs all have to go. When you banish all of that you make space and that’s when the magic happens. Be brave, be victorious and be ready to change. For when you do that’s when you get results. Get ready for a braver new world that you create.

Check your own chart for any planets at 29º as if you have them you will feel this - in particular: the Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and the Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. (Saturn at 29º Taurus here - I feel it!).

With much love



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