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Hello Scorpio Season 🦂

Happy Birthday month to all the Scorpios out there.

November is the domain of scorpio - its your month. A fixed water sign at home in the mysterious eighth house ruled by the dark lord of the underworld Pluto (Hades). This month we go deep. It is about getting to the bottom of things - peering under the surface and exploring the depth of the soul. A very precise energy that has deep intensity with the ability to feel into the void and use the power of transformation to rise renewed. This is shadow time - Pluto holds up a mirror and asks us to look truthfully into the deep waters. It is a time of releasing and renewing much like the alchemy of a new moon where we are reborn in the dark to start anew. By digging deep we find our true inner power. Like coal that is compressed in the earth - under pressure to transform and emerge new as a diamond pure in its light and removed from the toxicity of its past. A baptism and rite of passage.

As the nights begin to draw in we are also drawn inwards with the dark. This is Pluto’s realm and this is Pluto’s month. We start with a square to the Sun as it makes its final journey through the final degree of Libra and moves into Scorpio. The mirror of self is raised - an invitation to explore and discover, to struggle and conquer, to face the demons and slay them. Empowering and powerful we push on with our dreams and navigate ways to bring them to light. The moon makes a quick opposition with the Capricornian Pluto in its deeply emotion filled home of Cancer - challenging ideas, unveiling desires and facing frustrations. It will emerge new on the night of Samhain rising in a dark Scorpionic temple - a true Hades moon. Then Mars in opposition will raise our passions and reveal a deep primordial instinct in which we roar - suppressed emotion coming the fore to be faced, dealt with and passed over for one last time. That chapter needs to end. All of this is carried out in the finalities of the 29th degree. The last anoretic degree - the one that finishes and ties up the ends allowing us the freedom to move on. Explosive powerful energy, challenging and difficult but necessary. A sense of change is in the air. It’s not clear and it’s not certain but it’s definitely there. Planets are moving, timelines are shifting and a precipice is being reached. It reminds me of the Tarot’s fool card teetering on the edge ready to launch into a new journey after a period of intense and deep cleansing. This is where we are heading and this month feels like the last stage of a long and deep journey. The last gasp. A huge leap.

With much love



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