It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me, yeah
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me, ooh
And I'm feeling good…
Nina Simone
Happy New Moon in Aquarius and Happy Chinese New Year. 🌚
The Chinese New Year follows the lunar cycles and is determined by the second new moon since the winter solstice (and the first new moon of our calendar year) - this marks the year of the wood snake. Now wood is associated with growth (trees) but also fire which is our passion that burns. So combine growth, passion and desires with the manifestation of an aquarian new moon and you start to feel the magic that this beholds.
Aquarius new moons are positively futuristic and that’s exactly where we need to be looking. Aquarius is a masculine yang, fixed, air sign that rules the 11th house of our hopes, dreams and wishes. It also rules community and the collective consciousness. We are invited with this moon to step into alignment with our dreams and be big and bold and courageous in following them. How can we contribute our best version of ourselves into the collective. What do we have to offer?
In the tarot Aquarius is represented by the star. It brings hope and a change in direction. Aquarius in the celestial wheel is fixed mid winter but coming after the winter solstice there is an awakening of the light as the days become longer and we emerge from the dark. Pluto who has now moved permanently into this sign is now fixed here in aquarian energy and will no longer retrograde back into Capricorn as that work is done. So from the depths we rise. What shadows did pluto uncover?
By using the symbology of the snake we are shedding old habits, ways of thinking and old energetic vibrations in order to move into a new alignment that is future thinking, innovative, expansive and embracing strategic and actioned change. Aquarius is a visionary and also a humanitarian. The Moon taps into our emotion and entices us to dig deep and move beyond our current limitations and stretch our horizons to peer into the seemly impossible. Embrace the unknown and be open to expansion. This is finding that inner compass, overcoming limiting beliefs, healing old wounds and finding the courage to surge forward with freedom and a new found sense of self worth. Aquarius after all is the water bearer so use that flow of the pouring water to express out old grief as well as be carried in its spiritual flow on your path.
Joining the New Moon is Mercury conjunct with Pluto having newly entered Aquarius. Mercury helps us to express our ideals - our ideas may flow and deep subconscious desire (Pluto) may arise to the surface. We may even discover something new or have an AHA moment at finding a key point that has created blockages that we are able to navigate through and dissipate.
The moon is doubly ruled by Saturn and quirky Uranus. Saturn is time, ruler of structure boundaries and old fashioned down-to-earth realism whereas Uranus wants change in innovative, new and unusual ways. This is about growth, new directions and ideas and putting form into motion. It’s edgy and nervy - Uranus stations direct this week propelling us forward with a proverbial kick up the ****. Get planning and motivated to put them in place.
New moons are manifesting moons so put your future looking goggles on and get visioning how and where you want to be, how you will get there and how you can do that in your highest and fullest potential!
Enjoy it - its a biggie!
With much love
The OMC🌙