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New moon in Leo

Happy new moon in Leo. 

This morning the moon and sun aligned to bring a fresh new start full of hope and excitement. The last few months have been testing but we we got through the other side! Leo makes us think of creative pursuits, childlike play and summer days when we relax a while and enjoy ourselves. The moon sits in harmonious aspects forming a beautiful sextile to jovial Jupiter in talkative and upbeat Gemini as well as Mars in Gemini enhancing communication themes and bringing windows of opportunity forward in our dealings with others. This moon invites to enjoy. Pause in the busyness of doing and revel in the quietness of nothing. Relax, sit back and do something that you love - or do nothing.  Taking a break creates space - space for the new to enter as we cleanse our mind of the worries of day to day life. 

Leo rules the heart and our innermost desires. Jupiter helps bring our dreams to fruition and a help to motivate us with that extra push from feiry Mars combines to cultivate a heart based energy. Venus in Leo is at the Anaretic degree at 29° conjunct the Royal star Regulus in the heart of the lion. She asks you to follow your dreams and realise your desires. Do this through play and fun and love. For the key to this moon lies in your heart - what is it that you want and are you allowing yourself to align with it in order to make it happen. Venus squares quirky Uranus and asks - are you bold and brave - do you have the courage to follow your dreams?

Venus joins Mercury across the two signs of Leo and Virgo in an out of sign conjunction between them just before Mercury turns retrograde and gives us an opportunity to utilise this fabulous pause to reassess our last few months and look back and tweak the finer points. I always see Mercury retrograde as like writing chapters of a book and finalising one - then we celebrate finishing the chapter - then pause - to go back and proofread to make sure we got all the points right and made ourselves clear. Then we take stock - reaffirm our ideas and then stride forward with the conviction that is needed to succeed.

Wishing you a beautiful new moon

With much love




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