1st December 2024
Today is a new moon in the mutual fire sign of Sagittarius. I am loving the feeling of this moon. For me it is fuelled with positive thinking, forward motion and the gift of foresight and that of dreams that come true. Sagittarius is ruled by jovial Jupiter (which incidentally is in loose opposition) - Jupiter expands (it’s a gas giant) so when it touches something it is like a finger of joy that puts a bright sheen where once there was dark. Not only is it new moon but it’s also the first day of December. Sparkle Sparkle - I’m seeing so many put the Christmas decs up early and wishing to bring light into their homes and that touch of magic!
Jupiter invites us to dream - and to dream big for there is no ceiling on the expanse of sky. The only limitations are those we impose upon ourselves. So raise that arrow and pull back the bow and shoot for the stars! It is a time to have faith and belief in our own power. The power of the mind is strong and when we think in a negative way we create a negative reality. So we need to create better, bigger and and beyond our own sense of boundaries. Saturn is square the sun and moon that are conjoined in the sky. Now Saturn is the planet of boundaries and restrictions - but is it Saturn that is restricting or is it our own sense of self? If you hit a brick wall do you go through it with force or do you pause and reflect on why that wall is there? Is Saturn trying to teach a lesson here for that is his aim even if sometimes his lessons feel hard. Maybe a wrong path and sign from the universe for a rethink. Now without being toxically over positive this moon invites us to rethink, redeem and reassess - remember Mercury is in retrograde also - RE RE RE. Mercury is in Gemini a sign it rules as the communicator. Maybe our dreams had self imposed limits. So a time to bypass that and think out of the proverbial box. Reflect on the narrative in your own mind. Are your own beliefs self limiting. Is it basically a case of changing the internal dialogue?
The moon is in a trine to Mars in courageous Leo the lion’s heart. Courage and bravery are added into the mix. A big wave of gusto to kick you on the right path. Helping you to navigate the blocks and find clarity in a sea of confusion. Remember Pluto has moved into Aquarius - we are in a period of mass change and that is personally and collectively.
New moon thoughts and ideas.
Internal narrative - reassess the way we think and speak to ourselves
Direction - a clear path prone fraught with blockages
Dreams - are we self imposing limitation on our dreams
Power - are we standing in our own personal power or are we allowing others to dictate
Perspective - does this need to change. Have a rethink
Possibilities - are we open to new possibilities or is closed mindedness preventing opportunity knocking
Horizons - how wide are they - are we looking down the road or across the sea!
Key words
Self limiting beliefs
Out of the box
Internal narative
Open mindedness
Underlying fear
Self imposed limitation
Lots to think about - keep it positive. Happy new moon - enjoy the uplift in energy.
With much love
The OMC🌙