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New Moon in Virgo

New moon is here along with a new season drawing in. The leaves are tinging red and there is a chill in the air as we move into September and autumnal months. 

New moons bring new beginnings. The moon in Virgo at 11º is earthy and practical — Virgo ruling the sixth house of routines, health and daily tasks. It asks us to look at what we need to implement to bring in our best possible potentials. What have we put off that needs attention. Do we need to look at a new health regime? New eating habits? New levels of organisation? This is all about discovering the naked raw truth about ourselves. Uncovering and facing uncomfortable truths maybe… In opposition to Saturn which is still retrograde in Pisces and loosely squaring Jupiter in Gemini - the question is ‘am I still the person I think I am?’ 

The Sabian Symbol for this moon is very interesting - Virgo 12 - ‘a bride with her veil snatched away’. This is the time of reckoning - bringing things out in open for all to judge - mostly yourself. Using your integrity and recognising and respecting oneself.  The snatching of the veil is a metaphor for revealing what is in front of us in plain sight that we did to want to see. It’s emotional honesty, realisation and confrontation of self. We are forced to open our eyes and ‘see’ the truth. On the back of the fading Mercury Retrograde something comes to light - a discovery… what did we find out at that time? Mercury rules this moon so this is about internal dialogue - our communication with ourselves. Leave others opinions as just that - opinions. This is personal. This is our journey. This is about maturing emotionally - Mercury in Leo discovered our childlike ways and asks us to examine that in order to develop deeper understanding, wisdom and discernment.

If there’s one sign that can bring order to chaos it’s Virgo. A specialist in creating order which in turn brings empowerment. When we realise and work with our flaws we can work to change them, but first we have to admit them… and that’s the hard part. Revelations is the theme. Speak your truth to you. New moon, new start, fresh clean slate - can you start again?

The new moon conjuncts the fixed star Zosma - now she is traditionally related to restriction, misfortune and victimisation. But what if we look at this in a different way - have we disempowered ourselves by limiting beliefs? Have we been operating in victim mode when really we have the power to step outside of this and create anything we desire through structure, determination, organisation and self belief - for it’s all in the mindset. We are asked to find order in the chaos. Discover clarity and truth and therefore enable personal empowerment through realisation. By facing that which we do not want to see in ourselves - we actually set ourselves free. 

In simple terms Virgo is an Earth sign - with a new moon it is a perfect time to manifest. Get your critical Virgo eyes on and scrutinise your habits in order to create realistic goals to aspire to. Be grateful for what you have - practise gratitude. Create a list of your good points and then address the not so good. Cleansing your space and your body is perfect timing. 

Key words for New Moon: 

🌙 Reflecting

🌙 Revising

🌙 Organising

🌙 Purifying

🌙 Simplifying

🌙 Reviewing 

There is power in words so use them under the magic of this moon.  🌙 Journal, write lists, write down dreams, make mood boards and FOCUS. Focus on your dreams, FOCUS on your goals and set realistic ways in which to make them happen.

The winds of change are blowing - but it is a gentle breeze before the storm. Neptune moves back ever so slightly to 28º today away from its anaretic degree where it has been sat since May. Is this a time where the illusion shifts for a while giving us a break in order to see clearly through the veil. Pluto has also moved back into Capricorn - this is serious stuff and we need to be ready for the last gasp before it moves into Aquarius in November (hurrah!). Mars is square Neptune - this can sap energy and create overwhelm in the rush to want to do everything so instead use this energy wisely to consider and plan and take time out to rest. Perfect time to journal and listen to your soul.

Reflect and revise in order to prepare - that’s the key. There’s a potential storm coming, but if you are ready you will ride it easily. 

With much love 

The OMC 🌙

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