Venus in Scorpio 🦂
Today Venus starts an intense new journey through the sign of the Scorpion. A journey through the darker world ruled by Hades (Pluto - modern rulership) so a deep journey for her delicate soul. Here she will discover the depths of intensity and of desire. Time to arouse your passions in life and indulge in your inner needs and wants. Venus is associated with sensuality and values. What we value, what we desire and what we are attracted to as well as what we attract to us. In her journey through Libra she instilled a sense of harmony in our relationships with others, whereas in Scorpio she will invite us to look at the relationship with our inner self and how that relates with others. It may deepen connections or possibly sever them (especially with a looming solar eclipse on the south node of fate). She will take a deep dive under the surface and examine the foundations in place and discover whether they are deep rooted or based on fragile footings. This is a deepening. Do we trust our inner voice and can we strengthen our bonds or do we cut loose and set free. When we step into our vulnerability do others respond in the way that we wish?
As well as interpersonal relationships Venus also deals with our money and finances. How is our relationship with this? Time to look at spending habits and be truthful - this is a glance at the shadow. Are you sabotaging your own journey? What subconscious issues are invested in this that causes patterns and unhealthy habits. How can we change that? Can you recognise and pinpoint where this comes from?
Venus in Scorpio is about facing the truth. Coming to terms with what we desire and making changes through addressing our hidden psyche. It’s a beautiful opportunity of transformation - a metamorphosis. Go deep and dive into the underworld and you may just surface with a renewed sense of self - enlightened, empowered, and able to face those inner demons in order to emerge into a new period of personal growth.
Venus major aspects through Scorpio in October:
⭐ October 4 - Venus trine Saturn(R) in Pisces - relationship and financial foundations come under the spotlight, consolidate savings plans and investments
⭐ October 8 - Venus trine Mars in Cancer - deepening relationships, showing affection and emotion, reconciliations
⭐ October 14 - Venus opposite Uranus(R) in Taurus - watch for mood swings and emotional outbursts, conflicts and arguments and the needs of self may conflict with the needs of others
⭐ October 15 - Venus trine Neptune (R) in Pisces- deepening connections and strengthening relationships
⭐ October 17 - Venus sextile Pluto(R) in Capricorn- showing up for ourselves and others. Facing inner fears and embracing personal transformation
With much love
The OMC 🌙