The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol (‘sun’) and sistere (‘to stand still’), because at the time of the solstice, the Sun's declination appears to ‘stand still’.
It is a quiet time of contemplation as we look back on the season and reflect. This is the bringing of the light as we move through deepest winter. Capricorn season is brought in today - this cardinal earth sign brings forward motion as we prepare to move onwards with patience, precision and planned foresight. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn - Old Father Time - who moves the wheel onwards and into a phase of long term plans, sustainable goals and building a solid foundation in which dreams and aspirations can reside. It is a time of pause, time to plan, time to reassess and time to create solid goals to work towards.
The sun at 0º Capricorn makes a square to the nodes of fate this morning which currently reside in the Aries/Libra (I AM / I RELATE) axis calling for harmony and en examination as to what is out of balance and what we can do to put things back in order. Saturn as the planetary ruler of the solstice creates a T-square with the moon in Virgo pointing at Jupiter in Gemini this morning asking us to pull back on the grandiose and put order into our time. Jupiter in Gemini wishes to be the social butterfly and is keen to get out there and expand social connections, however as much as we want to follow our dreams and surge ahead we must attend to the practical matters first give thought, hence why it is imperative to stop, slow down and think long term. It’s good to dream and be future thinking but not to rush off when we have old issues that need tidying, folding and putting to bed first. Winter Solstice is a time of inward contemplation particularly for that reason. The disseminating Virgo moon likes order and is a time to release and reflect on how we achieve this. Change is around the corner but it must come from within. It is not external circumstance but internal reflection and action that brings the new. Old habits, old things and clutter - both physical and mental will all block progress. Work with Saturn and then the luck of Jupiter will abound!
Welcome in the light, the days will get longer from here on and with the light rising so do our hopes. Build on your inner strengths and face the weaknesses. Tidy house and tidy mind and then things will flow.
Wishing you a beautiful winter solstice.
With many blessings and much love
The OMC 🌙