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Full Moon in Gemini

Today the moon is full in the creative and energetic communicative sign of Gemini. Gemini is a mutable sign in air. It is curious. This Full Moon asks you to let go of some of your inhibitions that have held you back in the past and start to action many of the thoughts you had back in the new moon in Scorpio.

HOWEVER we do have to think before we speak or act. This is a challenging aspect as the sun and moon form a loose T square with Saturn. There is a good saying that ‘all good things come to those who wait’. Mars can have us forging ahead on impulse, but really it is best to pause and reflect and look longer term into the implications of our actions. T-squares can have us acting on impulse - don’t!

With Saturn in Pisces [which is a water sign (dreamy)] maybe we have not yet understood how to verbalise that which is buried deep in our minds. Let ideas formulate and rise to the surface and find ways to express them with clarity and confidence. Show commitment in communication and pour meaning into your words. In return our relationships with others and ourselves will be more fulfilling, whole and meaningful. Try to dig deeper, and understand yours and others emotions. Be connected and listen. You may uncover many truths this way - good and bad! Saturn is asking us to put more thought and insight into our words and actions [pause] [then action] in order to create and open new paths. Be careful and considered over the next few days. Choose your words carefully and avoid confrontation.

Extra note of caution - the fixed star Hyadum I [Prima Hyadum] sitting at 05-06º Gemini is conjunct this full moon (it is part of the Hyades (seen in the face of the bull of Taurus) who are the five daughters of Atlas and half-sisters to the Pleiades who sit currently at 0 Gemini). Now these can bring an undercurrent of trouble to this full moon. They are associated with rain (yep it’s raining!) and storms. Now those storms can be physical [as in the weather] or personal [as in scandal, buried truths and bad habits]. In good aspect this star system can promote clear thinking and speaking, however in a difficult aspect which we see here they can add a touch of pessimism or even changing [mis]fortunes as we can overreach under their influence. So be careful out there!

With the Sun, Mars and Mercury being in Sagittarius however, there is a hint of optimism in the air. This energy can be used to create positive and beneficial outcomes. Serious Saturn has been aspecting many of the planets in its journey through Pisces reflecting through the mirrors of life, highlighting areas that need work.

Look deep within yourself. Be open and honest with who you are and what you actually want. Think long term and not short term fix. Pause and reflect today - it’s raining anyway and what best for a rainy day to just stop for a while and reassess.

Be open and honest with yourself and those around you and you may just find yourself on a new path and a new way.

With love




It's raining! No need to water. Stay in, read some gardening books or go through some seed catalogues. 😁

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