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Solar Eclipse in Libra 

Today sees a new moon and with that a solar eclipse of the sun. The fourth and final eclipse of the year - a culmination. 🌑🌞

🌚Eclipses are powerful bringers of change. It is an opportunity to transform and transmute. An energetic portal that brings an intertwining of dark and light - merging the two briefly in order to delve deep into the subconscious and bring to light that which is hidden.

🌚The eclipse happens in the sign of Libra at 10º 3’ at about 19.49 this evening (2nd October 2024). What is most noticeable about this eclipse is it’s conjunction with the south node of fate which aligns in order to express a releasing of the past. The South Node is our past and is currently on the relationship axis of Aries/Libra. Mercury also is taking notes sitting at 11º Libra after its recent Cazimi with the Sun (Cazimi in Arabic means ‘in the heart of the sun’ - in the beginning, the end and everything in-between) inviting us to be open minded and look at things with a different perspective. It can create spontaneous insight and a level of understanding not reached before. An illumination.

🌚A rebalancing is at play. This is an invitation to understand the ending. A lifting of the veil and a revealing of the truth. Holding us secure whilst we breathe out and inhale in a new energy that enlivens us into a new way of being.

🌚Venus rules this lumination and she currently navigates the deeper waters of emotion in Scorpio. Forming the beginning of a grand water trine with Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces encouraging flow of emotions. A Venusian eclipse is a beautiful way to end the season. It is a portal of healing, beauty, creativity, love and a celebration of our self worth. We have been taken on a journey through the axis of Libra and Aries - this is a dance between how we treat ourselves and how we relate to others. The key has been in the balance. That of self respect and connection - how we show up for others and moreso… how we show up for ourselves. Setting healthy boundaries and deepening connections with love and respect. The South Node allows us to release - deep hurts, imbalances, toxic relationships, inner fears and insecurities and nudges us on to empower ourselves and stand in our power whilst changing the dynamic of our relationships towards more congruous ways. This is the end of a chapter. The closing of one door as we open others. Let it go and release and start that new page in a shiny new book.

🌚The Sabian Symbol for this new moon is: A professor peering over his glasses. What have we learned on our journey and how can we share our findings with others (think relationships axis - is some straight talking needed?). What do we need to discard and how do we move on from that which we have learnt. 

🌚I find it interesting that the solar eclipse takes place over Easter Island (Rapa Nui). Here the ancient statues of the Moai stand in line staring at the stars soaking up the knowledge of the universe. What wonders have they seen and what are they about to experience! Wouldn’t it be fabulous to be there with them to watch this spectacular event! 

🌞Enjoy the energies but do take it easy. New moons are usually a symbol of beginnings but this heralds also the energy of endings and release so especially powerful. Even if we can’t see it we certainly may feel it.

Much love as always


The OMC 🌙🌑

Easter Island image credit: Grafixart Photo

Card Deck: The Moon Energy Deck available in my Etsy store.

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