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Blessed Imbolc

Today is the traditional day that we celebrate Imbolc - sparking hope and promise of the spring days to come. An awakening from the slumber of winter as new shoots of hope start to push through the soil. Imbolc represents the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Astrologically Imbolc falls on the 4th this year though when the sun reaches Aquarius at 15º. So we celebrate both. 

This is a time of new ideas, new inspiration and new creativity. Waking from the dormancy of winter and stretching our minds and imagination forward. It’s a time to clear out the final cobwebs, spring clean the house [and mind] and put ourselves in a new positive mindset… Imbolc roughly translated means ‘full belly’ a hint at the agricultural meaning where it would be a time of pregnant ewes. Fertility is returning in the form of the land and of our thoughts. Awakening from slumber and rest to start creating and birthing the new. But not quite yet… Let the thoughts formulate and ponder. Sow seeds of creation and let them slowly release their magic. Winter is not yet over but we have time to think and dream and wonder yet. 

Imbolc is associated with the hearth - the fire - the heart of the home and our inner spark. Let it be ignited and form a flame. Tonight is a great time to light a fire or a candle and enjoy the shifting of the season as it all starts again. Make a wish and think of plans. This is a poignant moment in the year to stop and pause and reconfigure. Take note of your surroundings and the slow awakening that is happening before your eyes. There is magic in the air - embrace it!

[Photo of my witch hazel tree - flowering for the first time in the 5 years since I rescued it from the reduced and dying pile in the garden centre!] How amazing is that! x 

With much love



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