A beautiful balancing act…
“We make our best decisions in life when we balance our emotions with rational thinking.” Amy Morin
Full moon rising - the last full moon of 2023 is rising in the sky tonight. Set in the emotional waters of Cancer opposing the sun in earthy and serious Capricorn. Full moon is always a time of release. Time to release old emotional baggage and put old grievances to rest. Balance this with structured steady goals and some true grit and determination to succeed as it’s all up to you now. Feel into yourself - what does feel like home to you - Cancer rules our heart and home - time to come home to yourself. Stand in your truth with yourself and others and create healthy boundaries, but also forgive and move on - there is no need to harbour old grudges as this creates inner toxicity and turmoil. Celebrate the gains and the wins that you have made over this year. Reflect in the journey that you have undertaken and the ups and downs and bumpy roads that you have ridden and triumphed over. Create some space to just be… and sit… and reflect. Be present but look at the past and look what can be learnt and then dream into the future and take the knowledge and skills learnt and start to create and plan. This moon though heavily ensconced in emotion is optimistic as is trine Saturn (wise old father) and Jupiter (ever the optimist!). This is a time to say goodbye to so much and welcome in the new (just like New Year) as we look forward to a new start and a new beginning. Let go of the old ways and make space for opportunities to enter your life. Create boundaries with others ( Mercury is still retrograde so be careful of your words) in order to nurture yourself and fulfil your own needs - stop pandering to others and instead follow your heart (Cancer) and use your head wisely (Capricorn). This is the closing of chapters - old stories, old habits, old beliefs. Turn the page over and start the creative flow. It’s your story so start writing it.
Really feel into your dreams as you are being given the drive and determination to fulfil them. You can do this! Dream big.
Enjoy the last big moon of the year.
With so much love
The OMC 🌙